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Sunday 4 March 2012

Youtube Junkie #2

Welcome to another round of Youtube Junkie, this week we have  two of each movie and game trailers. For films, John Carter and the Avengers movie whereas gaming wise, we have the purely amazing Borderlands 2 "Doomsday" trailer and another trailer for Resident Evil, this time it's for the third person shooter, Operation Raccoon City.

Music/Film 1: John Carter Trailer (3)

When you go to the moveis, why do you go? For me, it's for the experience and enjoyment of watching something that most likely won't happen in real life. Disney and Pixar studios' new action-adventure, John Carter accomplishes just that. With influences from Star Wars, Avatar and Prince of Persia, the movie has high hopes of being a successful blockbuster. Although, I get a feeling that it's too influenced by these films and lacks any originality but alas, it still seems interesting and I'll definatly be purchasing a ticket for this one!

Gameplay 1: Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City (Nemesis Announcement)

Speaking with any Resident Evil fan they'll tell you that the series has degraded and strayed from it's "horror" roots and become more of an action shooter, than what it was on the Playstation exclusive days. However, with the release of Resident Evil Revelations, Capcom have finally split the franchise into two parts, the classic horror (brought back by Re:Revelations) and the new and improved third person shooter style survival. The new Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City is a perfect example of the new system. It's still Resident Evil but with a twist. In this RE, (set during Resident Evil 2) you play as the Umbrella Corporation as they eliminate survivors and mantain the infection. There are a variety of classes, characters, etc but the most intriguing concept is the boss battles and that's where this trailer comes in. William Burkan, Mr. X and Nemesis are now confirmed as hugely important and difficult bosses. My favourite at the moment is ironically Nemesis as he was my all time favourite boss in Resident Evil franchise. I just hope that by the time I review this title, it'll be worth the purchase.......

Music/Film 2: Marvel Avengers Trailer

A majority of the Marvel films have been, in my opinion mediocre compared to their DC universe counterparts. However, that's all going to change with the Avengers movie. Combining stories of Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Captain America and others as they defend the world from Thor's arch nemesis Loki and his army of evildoers. The special effects in this superhero flick looks spontaneous and virtual. The casting crew should be highly applaused for their excellent work casting each character with an actor that sounds and acts as they should. They should also be awarded for their continuity in this film regarding each hero's original film. As I am such a huge superhero (More DC than Marvel) I will be strictly critical towards this supernatural product as I have high hopes for this and Batman the Dark Knight Returns. Speaking of which, I may do a comparison article regarding these two as if they're in a wrestling match where only one will survive (be more successful).

Gameplay 2: Borderlands 2 Doomsday Trailer
There is nothing in the english language that describes this than pure epic. (Yes, I understand how colloquel that sounds!) Each character looks unique and hints at a new gameplay mechanic that we haven't properly seen. For instance, Salvador shows us that we will see a range of dual weilding options whereas Zero seems to show stealth and assasination mixed with a far better combat system than the original title. Speaking of the comparisons to the classic, there seems to be far more NPCs than last time with numerous infamous/famous cameos including Dr. Zed (Or Ned I forget which is the "good" one), Scooter (Catch a ride!) and the new Handsome Jack. In the sequel to the appropriately Game of the year of 2009, Handsome Jack owns the moon and makes it his private space station (Not cliche at all!) meanwhile, the new vault hunters (wasn't the vault found in the first?) i.e. you must defeat him and his robotic army as you explore the new immerse world of Pandora that seems to be in it's winter period.
Overall, this is a must buy for me and due to the fact that it releases incredibly close to my birthday, I will definatly be purchasing the limited edition of this and playing over 50+ hours into this Diablo inspired first-person rpg/shooter.

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